
Project type
Trail & Greenway

Completed October 2014

Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk

The land between the railroad tracks and the river becomes too narrow to continue the Schuylkill River Trail southward on land past Locust Street. To solve this problem, the City of Philadelphia and SRDC built a 2,000-foot long concrete structure running parallel to the eastern shore of the river from Locust Street to a new stair tower on the south side of the South Street Bridge. The project also included constructing a 460-foot long ramp linking the Boardwalk to the north side of the South Street Bridge, providing ADA access to the trail in this area. The Boardwalk’s 15-foot wide pathway was designed to accommodate emergency and maintenance vehicles and is supplemented by four widened overlooks that allow people to rest and enjoy the views.

The Boardwalk design and engineering team included URS, Pennoni Associates, and CH Planning. Michael Baker Engineers designed the ramp. Crossing Construction completed construction.  Funding for this project was provided by the Federal Highway Administration's Transportation Improvements Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia.

East bank of the Schuylkill River from South Street to Locust Street