University Avenue Overpass

The most direct route between University City and the Grays Ferry Crescent is along University Avenue, which carries a large volume of traffic and is difficult for pedestrians and cyclists to cross. To provide safe passage across University Avenue, the concept of a pedestrian bridge could be explored.
There are several bridge structures over University Avenue just north of the Schuylkill River. The southern structures do not currently carry active tracks. One carries a railroad service road and the southernmost bridge is unoccupied and overgrown. This structure could be retrofitted to carry a pedestrian and bicycle path.
Ownership of the structure and approaches needs to be determined. Adaptive reuse of this structure would provide an economical option for an overpass route here. Feasibility of providing ADA compatible ramps will also have to be investigated. Appropriate methods of securing the railroad right-of-ways and safely separating rail and trail traffic would be analyzed.