Capital Projects Update

The total impact of COVID-19 on our current capital projects is difficult to predict at this time. Coordination of both design and construction phases with our City, State, and Federal partners has been affected in some way as we all figure out how to continue this work from our newly fashioned home offices. Three of these projects, which are each in a different phase, are described below.
Bartram’s to 61st Street
This project will extend the trail south from the southernmost terminus of the Bartram’s Mile trail to the vicinity of 61st Street. Final design of this segment is complete and the project is currently out for bid. We intend that the selected contractor will start constructing this project this summer. The below image is a rendering of the overlook that will be constructed as part of this trail extension project. Learn more about the Bartram's to 61st Street project here.
Christian to Crescent Connection
We recently received the last of the necessary environmental clearances to proceed with this soon-to-be-iconic trail segment (pictured in the below rendering). The design team has been working diligently (from home) to finalize drawings and specifications, which will soon be ready for submission for review by the appropriate City, State, and Federal agencies. Next steps for this project include acquiring the necessary land for the on-land portions of this trail segment, completing permitting, and finalizing bid documentation. Learn more about the Christian to Crescent Connection here.
Schuylkill Crossing at Grays Ferry
This project is currently shutdown due to COVID-19 restrictions. Before the stay-at-home orders commenced, the mechanism to allow the bridge to swing open was delivered to the project site and is now ready for installation. The erection of the new truss structure could happen this year or may be forced to wait till next Spring. Learn more about the Schuylkill Crossing at Grays Ferry here.